News list for " covalent"

Covalent commission incentives up 83% in the second quarter

On August 23rd, Covalent Network (CXT) released data for the second quarter of 2024. In the second quarter, Covalent Network (CXT) paid its network operators $990,000, an increase of 83% from the previous quarter.

2024-08-23 07:17:45

8月23日消息,Covalent Network(CXT)发布 2024 年第二季度数据,在第二季度,Covalent Network(CXT)向其网络运营商支付了 99 万美元,较上一季度增长了 83%。

2024-08-23 07:17:45
Blockchain data infrastructure company Covalent has completed the token migration from CQT to CXT

On July 11, Covalent, a blockchain data infrastructure company, announced that its governance proposal for "a series of changes from CQT to CXT" has been successfully approved and the related token migration has been completed. The migration aims to align the token with Covalent's enhanced mission to provide a robust decentralized modular data infrastructure tailored for AI and secure, long-term data storage. It is understood that all token holders, pledgers and commissioners can participate in ...

2024-07-11 03:08:49

7月11日消息,区块链数据基础设施公司Covalent宣布,其关于“代币由CQT变更为CXT等系列变更 ”的治理提案已成功获得批准,并已完成相关代币迁移工作。这次迁移旨在使代币与Covalent增强的使命保持一致,提供为AI和安全、长期数据存储量身定制的强大去中心化模块化数据基础设施。 据了解,所有代币持有者、质押者和委托者可以参与对此提案的投票,要求的法定额度为 1000 万 CQ...

2024-07-11 03:08:49
Covalent Initiates Proposal Vote to Migrate from CQT Tokens to CXT

On July 9th, AI data infrastructure Covalent announced a governance proposal to migrate Covalent Network's existing tokens, CQT, to CXT. Voting on the proposal on Snapshot will close on July 11th. Covalent said that all tokens are secure throughout the migration period. CQT holdings of all token holders, operators, and principals will be automatically migrated to CXT at a 1:1 ratio. CQT trading will stop at 00:00 UTC on July 9th, and CXT trading will resume after the successful completion of the...

2024-07-09 02:24:21

7月9日消息,AI数据基础设施Covalent宣布一项治理提案,希望将Covalent Network现有代币CQT迁移至CXT。Snapshot上该提案的投票将于7月11日结束。Covalent表示,所有代币在整个迁移期间都是安全的。所有代币持有者、运营者和委托人的CQT持仓将以1:1的比例自动迁移到CXT。CQT交易将于UTC时间7月9日00:00停止,CXT交易将在成功完成治理投票和迁移后恢复。

2024-07-09 02:24:21
Blockchain infrastructure firm Covalent secures $5 million in strategic funding

Blockchain data infrastructure firm Covalent has announced a $5 million strategic funding round led by RockTree Capital, with other investors including CMCC Global, Moonrock Capital and Double Peak Group. Covalent said the funding will be used to expand its presence in Asia and drive long-term data availability adoption in countries such as China and Singapore.

2024-06-26 11:06:42
区块链基础设施公司 Covalent 获得 500 万美元战略融资

区块链数据基础设施公司 Covalent 宣布获得由 RockTree Capital 领投的 500 万美元战略融资,其他投资者包括 CMCC Global、Moonrock Capital 和 Double Peak Group。Covalent 表示,这笔资金将用于扩展在亚洲的业务,并在中国和新加坡等国家推动长期数据可用性的采用。

2024-06-26 11:06:42
Covalent launches ecosystem airdrop program, and tokens from Taiko and zkSync will be selected as the first batch

On June 21st, blockchain data infrastructure Covalent announced the official launch of the ecosystem airdrop program as part of The New Dawn program, which aims to upgrade the network and further decentralize its infrastructure for long-term data availability. The program focuses on improving infrastructure, optimizing staking mechanisms and launching incentive campaigns to drive engagement and growth, and rewarding CQT token holders and stakers.

2024-06-21 02:36:52

6月21日消息,区块链数据基础设施Covalent宣布正式启动生态系统空投计划,作为The New Dawn计划的一部分,其旨在升级网络并进一步去中心化其基础设施以实现长期数据可用性。该计划聚焦于改善基础设施、优化质押机制和启动激励活动,以推动参与和增长,并奖励CQT代币持有者和质押者。

2024-06-21 02:36:52
Covalent commits $2.50 million to Consensys Scale expansion program

Covalent announced a $2.50 million grant to Consensys builders to support the next wave of web3 applications on Linea and MetaMask through the Consensys Scale Expansion Program. Consensys Scale is a 12-month initiative to open up Consensys' entire developer ecosystem to Web3 enterprises, with participants using tools such as MetaMask, Linea, Infura, and Diligence Fuzzing to learn, build, and accelerate.

2024-06-14 01:36:09
Covalent承诺向Consensys Scale扩展计划提供250万美元资助

Covalent宣布 通过 Consensys Scale 扩展计划向 Consensys 建设者提供 250 万美元的资助,为 Linea 和 MetaMask 上的下一波 web3 应用程序提供支持。据悉Consensys Scale是一个为期 12 个月的计划,旨在向 Web3 企业开放 Consensys 的整个开发者生态系统,参与者将使用 MetaMask、Linea、Infura 和 Diligence Fuzzing 等工具进行学习、构建和加速。

2024-06-14 01:36:09
Arthur Hayes joins Covalent as an advisor to receive compensation in the form of CQT tokens

Arthur Hayes, co-founder and former CEO of cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, announced that he has joined Covalent as its strategic advisor and will be paid in the form of CQT tokens. He hopes to help Covalent become a leading data infrastructure startup, especially within the Ethereum ecosystem, and serve the artificial intelligence (AI) industry.

2024-06-11 15:18:30
Arthur Hayes加入Covalent担任顾问以CQT代币形式获得报酬

加密货币交易所 BitMEX 的联合创始人兼前首席执行官 Arthur Hayes 宣布已加入 Covalent 担任其战略顾问并将以 CQT 代币形式获得报酬,他希望帮助 Covalent 成为领先的数据基础设施初创公司,特别是在以太坊生态系统内,并服务于人工智能(AI)行业。

2024-06-11 15:18:30
Covalent has fully acquired all CQT tokens sold by FTX administrators

Ganesh Swami, co-founder of blockchain data query and indexing platform Covalent, said that as of April 26, 2024, Covalent has fully acquired all of the CQT tokens held by the FTX estate. The private buyer bought the assets a month ago and then has been selling them on the open market, which has had a negative impact on CQT. This buyer was contacted by Covalent last week and made a private sale for the entire remaining CQT.

2024-04-29 10:15:44

7x24 Newsflash

21:16 2025-03-13
20:51 2025-03-13
贝莱德 BUIDL 代币化基金今日突破 10 亿美元资产规模,成为目前全球规模最大的链上国债基金。链上数据显示,3 月 14 日 18:47 UTC,Ethena 铸造了 2 亿美元的 BUIDL 代币,推动基金规模突破 10 亿美元。
20:42 2025-03-13
分析师:华尔街掀起淘金热 但投资者应保持警惕
分析师Karishma Vanjani表示,华尔街正掀起淘金热,但投资者应该要小心。摩根大通和高盛建议继续持有黄金,法巴银行刚刚上调了对金价的预测,而几个月来贝莱德一直建议购买黄金来分散投资组合。到目前为止,这些建议都是正确的。但...
20:39 2025-03-13
黄金期货近月合约收于历史新高,收盘上涨1.5%,至每盎司2984.30美元。期金已连续第三个交易日收高,累涨3.2%。随着主要股指进入或接近调整区间,金价上涨至接近每盎司3000美元的水平。瑞穗证券美国能源期货部门主管Robert Yawger在一份报告中表示,与关税相关的不确定性正在推动投资者向安全资产外逃,并推动黄金价格上涨。他表示:“除了把现金存放在创历史新高...
20:39 2025-03-13
特斯拉警告可能成为报复性关税目标 或提高美产汽车成本
20:30 2025-03-13
普京就俄乌停火表态 特朗普、泽连斯基分别发声
20:30 2025-03-13
20:12 2025-03-13
ARK Invest增持8000万美元比特币
据 Arkham 监测,ARK Invest 今日从 Coinbase 获得价值超 8000 万美元的比特币。
20:06 2025-03-13
20:01 2025-03-13
美股收盘:纳指跌近2% 苹果跌超3%
19:50 2025-03-13
特斯拉警告可能成为报复性关税目标 或提高美产汽车成本
19:48 2025-03-13
以太坊核心开发者宣布,新测试网 Hooli 将于 3 月 17 日上线,用于最终测试 Pectra 升级,目标是在 4 月底至 5 月初部署至主网。此前,Pectra 在 Sepolia 和 Holesky 测试网因配置错误测试失败,Holesky 一度宕机数周。Hooli 将在 3 月 26 日进行 Pectra 测试升级,若成功,开发者计划 30 天后启动主网升级。